These days, when a new product is released, it has become essential to set aside a certain number for journalists and influencers to test for a few days and review.

Whether a car, smartphone or musical instrument, a successful launch often depends on the number of articles that appear following these tests.

Augure allows you to manage these operations seamlessly, including the rotation of test products, and assess the effectiveness and ROI of loan campaigns.

Optimise loans of all types (vehicles, products)

Equipment loan management can involve a fleet of cars or other products (high-tech devices, leisure equipment, childcare products, etc.). Journalists and influencers will often want to test products: this involves organisation of simultaneous loans of products with varying characteristics.

Obtaining an overview of information, such as a product’s availability, the borrower, loan period, state of repair or the availability of an alternative product, requires excellent organisation and careful tracking.

That’s why Augure has developed an all-in-one tool for smooth navigation of the many challenges associated with loaning equipment, and which can be tailored to the characteristics of each product and client.

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Complete, intuitive and customised loan management

Augure makes loan management easy and streamlined: gone is uncertainty about product availability, location and endless annoying Excel sheets not fit for purpose.

Each loan has its own record with all the relevant information. The schedule view offers an overview of all product loans in your press fleet and their availability. Our tool also reduces the risk of errors, such as double bookings, missed maintenance and late or lost products.

Augure enables you to link media coverage to loans, helping to improve rotation rates and your media visibility.

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