Staff and service providers: facilitate collaborative organisation
Organisation of an event is similar to conducting an orchestra full of players that are as complex as they are passionate.
Running an event generally requires meticulous organisation and coordination of many people. So much so that it is rare for one person to organise an event all on their own. Even though an event progresses under the leadership of a project manager or event director, its realisation is often the result of teamwork.
Efficient management of backwards planning, ensuring it is respected, and even distribution of tasks are essential.
Augure can make a practical difference here by helping to simplify this coordination. Thanks to our software, it is easy to follow the progress of the various stages, incorporate deadlines and reminders, assign tasks to various people, and monitor all this. Each team member can see how tasks are proceeding in their own area and benefit from a global view of how the event is progressing overall, in order to contribute more effectively.
As well as ensuring progress through the consecutive stages of an event, organisers must at the same time keep abreast of the various cross-cutting issues that need to be addressed, without falling behind on either task.
Planning this precisely, and ideally as early as possible, helps all aspects of the event run as smoothly as possible and avoids the many risks of error.
Through its collaborative, straightforward and easy-to-use tools, Augure ensures smooth and dependable management of events, every step of the way, from preparation to follow-up.
This predetermined plan can, of course, be adapted over time, given that the events business, by nature, has a great capacity to adapt in the face of relatively predictable circumstances. However, the more potential complications – such as the risks inherent in the events business in general, or relating to the actual event (venue, participants, service providers, date, guest/visitor profile, staff members, etc.) – are considered in advance, the more unnecessary scares and additional sources of stress are avoided.
Bear in mind also that an event is rarely managed purely in-house. It almost always involves numerous service providers; e.g. venue, catering, entertainment, music, hosts, lighting, décor, transport, audiovisual production, travel arrangement, accommodation, design, security, furniture, technical equipment, etc.
Efficient coordination of all these is at the heart of event success. And, as previously mentioned, all can be fully incorporated into event management using the Augure tool. It is possible to see which partner has been chosen to provide which service, their contact details, what stage the arrangements are at in terms of who needs to provide what to whom (reference, contract signature, finalising details of services to be provided, tests, castings, delivery, etc.) and within which timeframe (with reminders, if necessary), including finance.
Ongoing budget monitoring, without nasty surprises
The budget is another complex yet crucial element of any event.
Adherence to the budget, or at least its monitoring, is tricky but important. It is often difficult – even impossible – to set an exact budget right at the start of the event. Instead, it is common to allocate a budget envelope within which careful adjustments are made in order not to exceed it.
It is crucial, therefore, that the financial aspects are taken into account in the selection of the various services and providers, but once a choice has been made, the key is to stick to it. An event often changes and adapts over time, particularly given that certain services may arise only at the last minute, or may be budgeted for but not used. For example, the final and exact number of people present remains an estimate throughout, and not a certainty, which is why it’s important to know how to combine strict discipline with a certain degree of flexibility.
In addition, when it comes to payment, the methods can differ as much as the amount. Service providers operate differently in terms of advances, payment by instalment, varying deadlines for payment of the balance, etc. All this has to be kept in mind, whatever the specific case.
To avoid being overwhelmed by certain expenses and to be able to anticipate certain risks and comply with different payment methods and deadlines, a tool to coordinate all this is practically indispensable.
That’s why Augure allows you to monitor your budget very closely and, most importantly, in real time.
It gives you a complete overview of budget data, spending progress in relation to each budget item, the overall budget envelope, bills already paid versus those still to pay, payment deadlines, etc.
Software such as this enables you to organise your expenditure better and in particular avoid nasty financial surprises that could prove detrimental to the event and its organiser.