Advance planning and organisation of an event and its smooth operation on the day are, of course, essential, but so too is knowing how to analyse and present it.

Review in the form of post-event analysis

Following an event, various data on how it went must be collated. It is important to conduct a meaningful analysis in order to determine if the event objectives have been achieved. This is, of course, partly about measuring its effectiveness, but it’s also about identifying potential areas for improvement, based on whether the strategy worked or whether some elements should be changed for the next event.

It may be difficult to determine the indicators to prioritise – which often have to be weighed and cross-referenced against other data – from the wealth of information available. The criteria deemed essential will evidently not be the same for every event and will not be analysed to the same extent.

This is one of Augure’s strong points: its ability to support a customised approach. No one event is the same as another and even among events of the same type, the success criteria vary significantly. Thanks to our software, you can easily select the most informative data, whether it’s for your senior managers or your client, in order to highlight the key points of the event, based on the most relevant of the chosen indicators.

But this is not the only indicator, particularly if the event is a free or in-company one, Other particularly relevant indicators, depending on the event objectives, include: visitor satisfaction, press coverage, publicity, improvement in brand image, increased staff motivation, new professional contacts established, sales of the products/services showcased, e.g. product launch, opening, etc., visits to an associated website, etc.

It’s often useful to conduct a post-event satisfaction survey to gauge the views of visitors and thus identify areas for improvement.

As it’s also important that such studies are engaging in terms of both form and content, Augure, as ever, produces smart reviews that are easy to understand and visually appealing.
Augure offers users the ability to quickly produce intuitive analyses from the software in order to enhance their work and highlight the key points of each review.

Know how to identify lessons to be learned and improvements to be made

The aim of a review is not only to analyse how things went, but also to identify possible improvements that could be applied to another event or the next edition of this one.

A review can contain a wealth of information about the attendees in particular.
An analysis of the tickets sold in terms of time of purchase, ticket type (group/individual/family), associated services (accommodation, catering, etc.) will show a buying behaviour type and a precise visitor profile, and thus give a better understanding of how to reach this audience for a subsequent event.

In addition to the data gathered progressively during the preparation and then running of the event, it is always a good idea to include a satisfaction survey, with an analysis of the responses, to complement a review.
These surveys help gauge visitor opinion and highlight both positive and negative points, as well as the visitor suggestions, which are often practical and insightful. They can also help you to understand why invitees from the core target group failed to attend, so that you can perhaps remedy this next time.
The invitees’ views, motivators and inhibitors can thus be analysed in even more detail, enabling you to greatly improve a new event, particularly if it’s one set to take place on a recurring basis.

Augure gathers together all the available data incorporated in the software, so that the user can produce a relevant and customised review. As well as assessing the work completed in the context of this event and measuring its success, our software can also be used to highlight the main points of analysis, to support and justify the advice provided – something that is always appreciated by clients and management.