Selection of a series of relevant indicators enables users to easily analyse this work on institutional relations and its results.
Augure supports the establishment of consolidated indicators to quantify and qualify relationships with elected officials and company stakeholders.

The indicators, and their order of priority, will vary from one company to another depending on its objectives (long or short term), and depending on its reputation, context, type of information highlighted, etc. In addition, the indicators will vary depending on the profile of the company and the type of results targeted.

The key indicators generally used to analyse activities and results can include: number of elected officials met, topics covered, subjects not mentioned (to be developed further), degree of proximity to elected officials, identification of allies/opponents, development of relationships, staff/departments most active, geographical representation of meetings, etc.

When it comes to a more long-term analysis, it is helpful to integrate comparative elements, such as changes from one year to another, in order to identify certain developments.

Finally, in order to make them understandable for everyone, Augure generates reports that are clear, attractively presented and easy to share.
They can be interactive and adapted with a single click to be presented in a more or less exhaustive view, or vary in terms of colour codes or form, etc.

Here, Augure provides a perfectly customised solution with a number of criteria pre-integrated in the software, but each report generated will be unique and respond perfectly to analysis requirements associated with a topic, a period or a specific objective.
By bringing together all activities and results in the area of public relations and affairs in a single software solution, with automated reports, Augure offers the best possible analysis capacity and significant time savings for all users.